Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Audiobook NameHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Audiobook Title OriginalHarry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Audiobook ImageHarry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Free Online Audiobook
Audiobook Image CaptionScholastic Library Edition
Audiobook AuthorJ. K. Rowling
Author CountryUnited Kingdom
Audiobook NarratorStephen Fry, Jim Dale
Audiobook LanguageEnglish
Audiobook SeriesHarry Potter, 1
Audiobook SubjectYoung adult, fantasy
Audiobook GenreFiction
Audiobook Length9 hours and 33 minutes
Book Release DateJuly 2, 1998 (UK), June 2, 1999 (US)
Book ISBN9781408855652
Book Pages309
Book PublisherBloomsbury (UK), Scholastic Press (US)
Audiobook Media Typemp3
Audiobook preceded byNone
Audiobook followed byHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter is the most miserable and lonely boy you can imagine. His relatives, the Dursleys, who had raised him since he was a child, shunned him. He was forced to live in the bedroom under the stairs, forced to wear clothes inherited from his cousin Dudley, and forced to go to his neighbor’s house when the rest of the family was having fun. . Yes, he is not as happy as he could be.

However, Harry’s world was turned upside down on his eleventh birthday. The half-wizard, Hagrid, tells Harry that he is a true wizard and will soon be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry also discovered that, in the wizarding world, he was a hero. When he was a child, the evil Lord Voldemort killed his parents and tried to kill Harry as well. To everyone’s surprise, Harry survived and would have destroyed Voldemort in the process.

When Harry heard all this, he didn’t know what to think. However, everything Hagrid told him comes true and, quite simply, Harry enters the wizarding school in September. He and a boy named Ron Weasley quickly become good friends, and before Christmas, they break several school rules when they attack a troll and prevent him from killing his classmate Hermione Granger. After the troll incident, the three become inseparable and Harry is surprised to see such friends. He is always busy trying to do his homework, as well as participating in Quidditch practice every week. Quidditch is a popular game among wizards and Harry has become the youngest Quidditch player in over a century. And it was Harry’s favorite sport more than anything else at school.

As the year progresses, the three friends decide to solve the mystery of a large three-headed dog lurking in an abandoned school hallway. They realize that a precious object, the Philosopher’s Stone, is hidden in the school, even if they don’t know why. When one of the teachers starts pretending to steal, they act quickly to prevent the theft.

Things continue to get worse when they go outside the evil dog with three heads and enter the belly of the school, determined to save the stone. Ron and Hermione help Harry overcome these challenges to stop the thief, but Harry will continue to fight the professor alone. However, when he finally reached the last room, he was surprised to see a completely different person.

Harry is forced to fight the wizard who tried to kill him all those years ago, Lord Voldemort. He was able to save the Philosopher’s Stone, although he almost died in the process. The headmaster, Dumbledore, arrived just in time to save Harry. The school year ends in spectacular fashion. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are honored for their work at the school, and Harry leaves to return to the Dursleys for the summer and he has truly found his place.

 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Audiobook Playlist

  1. The Boy Who Lived
  2. The Vanishing Glass
  3. The Letters From No One
  4. The Keeper of the Keys
  5. Diagon Alley
  6. The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
  7. The Sorting Hat
  8. The Potions Master
  9. The Midnight Duel
  10. Halloween
  11. Quidditch
  12. The Mirror of Erised
  13. Nicolas Flamel
  14. Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
  15. The Forbidden Forest
  16. Through the Trapdoor
  17. The Man With Two Faces

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Audiobook Stephen Fry

Track 01 – The Boy Who Lived
Track 02 – The Vanishing Glass
Track 03 – The Letters From No One

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Audiobook Jim Dale

Track 01 – The Boy Who Lived
Track 02 – The Vanishing Glass
Track 3 – The Letters From No One

Stay Tuned… for more updates…


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